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Schlieren Campus

Schlieren Campus

Welcome to the Life-Science Campus Schlieren

New elected Campus Council Schlieren

Representative VSF: Thorsten Buch
Representative MeF: Thorsten Hornemann
Representative USZ: Gabriela Kania
Representative VFFL: Florence Vallelian
Representative ATP: Björn Kleijkers
Representative VAUZ : Alexandra Khmelevskaya
Representative Students: vacant

Congratulations to All Memebers!


The Campus

The Schlieren campus is the most recent UZH campus, offering spacious and modern laboratory facilities equipped with cutting-edge research technology.

The campus bridges basic research with translational research, bringing in the same area research units of UZH and USZ, as well as biotech companies (e.g. Roche, Molecular Partners, InSphero, …).

In this page you can find:

The Research groups active on Campus

Practical info for your first days (Lunch, sport, …)

Facilities available on campus

Shuttle bus timetable


Weiterführende Informationen


Universität Zürich
Campus Council Schlieren
Wagistrasse 12
8952 Schlieren
(Office presence every Tuesday)